
Injection Molding

Technical capablities

  • Two 50-ton and one 100-ton injection molding presses
  • Parts up to 148 mm by 98 mm footprint with 10 mm thickness
  • Minimum feature size: 10 µm width & 30 µm depth
  • Contiguous services for assembly, lidding, and packaging
  • Full inspection suite using confocal microscopy, digital microscopy, spectrophotometry, and more
Untitled design (88)

Facility details 

  • Molding, bonding, assembly, and packaging integrated into Class 7 (10,000) clean room
  • ISO Certification (9001:2015, 140001:2015, 13485:2016)
  • Capacity over 1 million pieces per year
  • Molding capabilities established in 1990
Untitled design (94)

Example products

  • Mircoplates, including 6-well, 96-well, 384-well, and more
  • Fluidic devices, including lidding and packaging 

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